The work of IEA Bioenergy is structured in a number of Tasks, which have well defined objectives, budgets, and time frames. The collaboration which earlier was focused on Research, Development and Demonstration is now increasingly also emphasising Deployment on a large-scale and worldwide. Each participating country pays a modest financial contribution toward administrative requirements, shares the costs of managing the Tasks and provides in-kind contributions to fund participation of national personnel in the Tasks. The scope of the work undertaken within IEA Bioenergy is shown in the graphic.
IEA Bioenergy Tasks: Each Task is led by one of the participating countries (Operating Agent) with technical effort co-ordinated by a Task Leader. The work is directed by the Executive Committee. For the period 2013-2015, there are 10 Tasks. All of the Tasks have a common duration of three years.
How to find out more: IEA Bioenergy is keen to promote its work programmes within participating countries and to encourage increasing involvement of industrial partners. It also wishes to encourage further interest in its work from non-participating countries. All OECD countries are eligible to apply. In addition, the IEA Governing Board has decided that the Implementing Agreements may also be open to non-member countries. If you are interested in finding out more about IEA Bioenergy, please contact the Executive Committee Secretary.