Terms and Conditions of Use
Each file uploaded to the site must be ‘stand-alone’, i.e. able to be displayed without requiring other files to be present, and should be able to be viewed with commonly available software. For simple text documents without images we suggest using HTML; for complex documents we suggest Acrobat PDF format. Members without access to Adobe Acrobat may forward complex documents to the Secretary requesting conversion.
Please keep documents compact in order to minimise download times for viewers, and to minimise total storage costs for the site. In particular, images or multimedia content should be compressed to minimise size. The total storage requirement for all documents relating to a task group should not exceed 20 megabytes. Special requirements for large documents or collections must be discussed with the Secretary.
Any material contributed by members to this site must be relevant to the activities of IEA Bioenergy or its task groups, and consistent with the laws of member countries. The Secretariat reserves the right to remove any material it considers inappropriate. Views expressed in members’ postings are their own and do not reflect those of IEA or the Bioenergy Secretariat.
Virus infections
You have at least an implicit responsibility to ensure that the general public are protected against virus infections from the site. To this end you should require virus scanning of all material as a matter of course prior to its release to general public availability. A routine scan of everything on the server is also highly advisable.